




■優惠期間:2015/8/26 - 2016/3/31

  • 淡季方案1~3:2015/8/26~2015/9/30

  • 旺季方案4~6:2015/10/1~2016/3/31




  • 1-5歲兒童免加價,不含床、含早餐

  • 6-10歲兒童每加一人USD 20/晚,含床、含早餐

  • 其餘皆視為成人,第3人未持券者,每加一人USD 25//晚,含床、含早餐



■ 本優惠價格已含稅以及服務費,入住時旅館會請旅客提供信用卡,作為保證之用。如無信用卡,旅館將收取保證金,退房時保證金可退

■ 本優惠每次不限使用一張兌換券,不可與其他優惠合併使用


■ 本優惠最晚需於2015/11/1前預約,並需於7天前預約入住日期,並以電子郵件將訂房資訊以英文寄至reservations@khemaraangkor.com,預約確認訂房(請配合告知將使用GROUPON紙本好康券兌換)




■ 使用GROUPON憑證恕不兌現金、不找零


■ 如需預約,預約完成後方可兌換,實際預約情形需依店家當時狀況

■ 不得與店內其他優惠共用

■ 到店請出示紙本好康券,恕不接受未持券者


■ 相關問題請於週一至週五09:00-18:30來電(02)27131485,來信tw_service@groupon.com,或點此查詢

■ 部份照片僅供示意,適用於所有優惠的一般注意事項請看這邊

Package: 3D2N/4D3N/5D4N Deluxe Room Stay at Khemara Angkor Hotel & Spa for 2 People

Traveling Period: 2015/8/26 - 2016/3/31

Option 1-3 = traveling period from 2015/8/26~2015/9/30

Option 4-6 = traveling period from 2015/10/1~2016/3/31

Inclusion: Deluxe Room stay, Daily breakfast for 2 persons, free Wi-Fi for 2 persons, one-way airport pick up for 2 persons to the Hotel, 20iscount on food and beverage, 25iscount on spa and massage treatments, 25iscount on laundry services, one complimentary welcome drink per person upon arrival, one complimentary cold towel per person upon arrival, complimentary two bottles of water per person daily.

Bookings must be made before 2015/11/1 and at least 7 days before arrival | Reservations are to be sent to reservations@khemaraangkor.com with names, preferred date(s) of stay and attached Groupon PDF voucher | Present booking confirmation from hotel and passport(s) on arrival | Subject to room availability | No cancellations allowed upon confirmation. | Amendments possible, subject to room availability. | Voucher is non-combinable with any other promotions. | Voucher is combinable for longer stay. | Vouchers are non-refundable and non-exchangeable. | All rates are nett, inclusive of applicable taxes and service charges.|

Optional Cost (Payable direct to hotel):

*3rd person (adult) with extra bed + breakfast: USD 25/ person/ night

*3rd person (age 6 - 10 years old) with extra bed + breakfast: USD 20 nett/ person/ night

*3rd person (age 1 - 5 years old) sharing existing bed + breakfast: free of charge/ child/ night

柬埔寨 Khemara Angkor Hotel & Spa

入住 Deluxe Room,

含每日早餐, 免費 Wi-Fi , 單程機場接駁,

餐飲八折優惠 , SPA和按摩課程75折優惠, 洗衣服務75折優惠,

免費迎賓飲品每人一杯, 迎賓冷毛巾每人一條, 每日提供每人一瓶罐裝水.

淡季 【方案1】$2371享有原價$8907 二泊二食
【方案2】$3557享有原價$13046 三泊三食
【方案3】$4545享有原價$17186 四泊四食
旺季 【方案4】$4446享有原價$8907 二泊二食
【方案5】$5928享有原價$13046 三泊三食
【方案6】$6916享有原價$17186 四泊四食


Khemara Angkor Hotel & Spa距離機場非常近,只要步行5分鐘即可抵達暹粒市中心,交通十分方便。酒店內的游泳池和SPA中心都很推薦,在參訪寺廟及古蹟後,為您在柬埔寨的夜晚找一個最舒適的落腳處吧。